I am definately in that percentage group, and im going to talk about products you can find at your local Canadian Tire or Wal-Mart.
I have spend most of my tip-up fishing using custom made tip-ups that my father created years ago. Over time, we made them better adding free spooling reels and a flaging system. But it came to my attention that our system still was not what i wanted it to be. I was loosing alot of fish, and alot of bait.
Their are a couple of good advantages to this set up. First; You can leave it in your hole all day without the spool freezing over. Its a free spooling system, so when a fish grabs your bait, the flag releases. This is where the bells come in handy, you dont have to be staring your tip-up down all day, when you hear the bell, you know you've got a bite! Second; The red line is great because red is the first color that loses transperancy in the water, which means the fish will have a hard time being distracted from your line attatched to the bait.
Again, that is it. A simple system for tip-up fishing.
Since i have switched to this system of tip-up fishing, my results have greatly improved, and i can assure you that yours will too!
agreed bud. check out my new blog which goes into more depth as far as the tip-up itself and results, excellent review. Quick and to the point... GO AND BUY THESE PRODUCTS, THEY WORK :)